Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Post the 1st

First, genesis.

I am not writing this because my brother's blog has reached astronomical levels of popularity. Much of my existence serves to either ridicule or improve on anything he might do. While this will do both, it is by no means the primary impetus for joining the blogosphere. The title alone should make you think twice before reaching such a conclusion.

The real reason I do this is because I told Danny Karlinsky, henceforth known solely as Karlinsky the Younger, that if he did it then I would as well. Since I'm never one to back down from a simple wager, I was rather disappointed when I woke up this morning to find that he actually followed through with such a bone-headed idea. The good news is that you are now reading about me.

Second, an introduction.

So like my brother, I play a lot of ultimate. However, as you can see from that previous picture he is zero fun after he plays. We both play for Pike, which is pretty sweet. I don't know if anyone else competes on the same team as one of their siblings, but there is a certain awareness that you can share. We often know what the other is about to do before they do it. Another note for all of you reading this: I am not Dusty. If another person walks up to me and says, "Hey its Dusty, I read your blog. You are stoopid cool." Or, "Hey its Dusty, I read your blog. You are hella-lame." I will not be held responsible for your injuries. He is #3, I am #97. Which, interestingly enough, correlates to two distinguishing characteristics between us. This is the relative percentage of natural ability which was passed down from pater- and mater-familias. It is also the percentage of fun which we contribute to our surroundings.

Third, a purpose.

This is difficult to really pinpoint. I don't want to just recount Pike's experiences as we get to Nationals 2007, because I know someone who is already doing that. I don't want to just recount my daily comings and goings, because it already bores the hell out of me. So what is left?

A hybrid of sorts. I will air my opinions about ultimate in general, create a sounding board about training techniques that I use/eschew while preparing for the season, and even give a small glimpse into what I do with the rest of my life. Maybe someone wants to know.

Looks good for the beginning.

"You stay classy, San Diego?"


dusty.rhodes said...
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dusty.rhodes said...

This is just further evidence that the apocalypse is nigh.

John said...

how long until your father gets a blog. that is the one i want to read.

DLK said...

how the hell did you do the html stuff into just text as a link?

ill kill you if you don't tell me.

dusty.rhodes said...

If Poppa Rhodes ever gets a blog, I'll be checking that shit every 20 seconds.

rehanift said...

Rule #1 of writing a blog: keep it short.

Unknown said...

Ignore Rehan.
Keep it long.
Get Carpal Tunnel.
Never throw a disc again,
Let alone throw down.